Session Focus: Fictional storytelling for young people Every broadcaster is preoccupied with the notion of age and increasingly haunted by the fact that young people in many countries don’t watch television programmes in a conventional way anymore. Are they forever lost to YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. or must public broadcasters revisit their choices of content, platform and format? In this session we examine successful dramas developed specifically for the younger audience. Each unique in their style and pace, contributing to attracting but especially retaining them in front of the screen. We will discuss the recipes of their success. What type of stories are they looking for and expecting? What lengths will keep them watching? In this era of video games and social media, have these influenced in any way their use and expectations of today’s television programming? Come and see the series that has turned Danish public service fiction upside-down by becoming a huge hit. Find out what a production looks like made exclusively by people under 30. Watch the independent, crowd-funded project that made it into Dutch public broadcasting and the mini-series informing Thai youths about the consequences of sexual abuse. And find out what young people in Estonia, Lithuania and Iceland like to watch. Share your thoughts and experiences with us.
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