It is a very safe bet that each and every one of you reading this introduction has been asked at one time or another to come up with a project proposal that appeals to a younger demographic. As television audiences grow up and old and fade away, chasing the youth demo has become an imperative. They are connected and eager to share. But how do we interact with a generation that is running away from the living room television? As many public broadcasters turn to the online world for answers, this session looks at four projects designed and built for that hardest to reach youth audience − the much sought after but elusive ‛tween’. From deserted islands, love songs, to teen angst and original blends of real life and drama – here is a view of what the storytelling world looks like when we let ‛tweens’ decide what they want. And we ask − how should we define success in a world where ratings are exchanged for net presence?
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