This drama series tells the story of 18-year old Anna, who is about to graduate from high school and wants to be a famous rap star. However, in real life she is a nerd and - stutters. But everybody expects that she will go to university and study something serious. Even Anna herself senses that her dream is not achievable, until one day everything changes. After his friend’s heart attack Anna’s father Martin decides to quit his lifelong job as a CEO and starts chasing his dream – to become a fashion designer. That gives Anna the courage to start moving towards her goal and take part in a rap battle organised by the hip-hop star Genka. At the same time Anna has to deal with mean classmates, her first love and with her first job as a dishwasher on a night shift in a restaurant. All of that in addition to the troubles with Anna’s older brother Gustav, her naughty grandfather Otto and her overly tense mother. The series is part of a cross media and educational project which includes TV series, radio broadcasts, online (incl. social media) activities, educational materials for schools and discussions in school classes. The project activities cover Estonia, Lithuania and Iceland. The project is supported by European Union, Directorate-General Justice and Consumers.
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