Craft and the concept of ‘home’ informs these unique programs with everything from stop motion animation to observational vérité. Each filmmaker has a found fresh way of using traditional techniques to make their storytelling powerful. Some charming, others political, and all with layers and challenges. Together we will discuss how culture can inform the style and the story. What can we learn from the rich and complex tradition of subversive storytelling from formally socialist countries? Or a yugoslavian fable or Iranian mythology? From the inside of an Israeli prison? We will also discuss how stations and independent filmmakers develop and create international public television co-productions. What is the process? Additionally, how do independent film- makers, artists, creators, and stop motion animators find funding to develop their craft and make a living? How can public broadcasters help nurture and sustain these artists? And importantly, will these programs endure and be enjoyed for years to come? A close look at storytelling craft that celebrates creativity and collaboration.
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