During West Pride 2016, the Pride week in Gothenburg at the west coast of Sweden, UR published stories in social media with the hashtags #urpride #hbtqhistoria (which means lgbt-history) and #pride16. We published mainly on Facebook from 8th to the 13th of June 2016. The stories were part of an assignment to learn more about journalistic storytelling in social media and how to engage a diverse audience. The goals were, firstly, to make the target group engaged, share our stories and share their own history. Secondly, to learn what kind of stories that would infuse the most user/audience engagement. Thirdly, to Increase the number of followers at urplays FB site and, finally, to make the users find the high quality new documentaries from all over the world available on urplay. All the documentaries report on the current situation for lgbt-people. The engagement at urplay’s Facebook site got much more intense than we had expected. The week when we published our stories on the urplay Facebook site, the engagement went up 12,600 per cent.
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