'Yizo Yizo 2' is the story of an ordinary school overcoming extraordinary obstacles. The series begins at the start of the new school year. The violence that engulfed the school the previous year has been contained. Basic law and order have been established but the problems aren't over. Will continued violence in the communty threaten the school's survival? Will the matric students resist the temptations of drugs and the easy life to the challenges that lie ahead? Can the teachers find courage in the face of job insecurity, corruption and apathy to bring learning back to life? This series celebrates the courage and determination of a school community overcoming obstacles in the way of good education. They learn that the best resources are not about status and money, but people. 'Yizo Yizo 2' is not simply about the education system. It is about ordinary students and parents. It's about their struggle to learn, play, change, read, love and dream.
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