A highly controversial puppet-live action series,which follows two teenage anti-heroes, Ali and Hassan, as they struggle with puberty, integration issues in a foreign European society and a sincere ambition to become true gangsters. 70s puppet esthetics collide with modern graf? tiridden suburbs in this amazing series which made front page headlines in all major Danish newspapers and digital media after it was broadcast in late 2007. This particular episode- 100% integration, follows ur two anti–heroes as they are forced into an integration project by the school headmaster (an overly emancipated, slightly racist “ethnic” Dane). The boys are eager to participate, but discover that even freedom of speech has its limits. On the web, Yallahrup Færgeby was extremely popular, receiving more than 2 million hits in one month and with several episodes viewed online more than 100 000 times. The site contains exclusive content, games and cellphone extras.
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