VOYAGE OF DREAMS tells the story of the Haitian boat people, about why they are leaving Haiti, their perilous voyage to the U.S., and their experience with American justice. Through a tapestry of interviews with men, women and children, exclusive footage of Haiti, computer graphic illustration by a Haitian painter, and an authentic Haitian music track, this 30 ,minute video documentary/essay attempts to present Haitian people in terms of their culture as well as in term of the major issues of their exile. Narrated by actor Ossie Davis and Raymond Cajuste, flashbacks highlighting important moments in Haitian and U.S. history bearing on today’s situation are interwoven into the film. It also features a dramatization of a political asylum hearing based on an actual court transcript. When considered as a whole, VOYAGE OF DREAMS seeks to achieve a poetic quality in terms of its content, form and texture. Finally, VOYAGE introduces an unparalleled application of computer graphics in service of documentation and poetic conception.
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