A picturesque novel in the 21st century welfare state. A drama series in eight episodes enacted in the near future. The year is 2020 and at the onset of the story we see Quidam, a fifteen-year-old hacker, strolling the beach near the Waalsdorp - execution field: the place where 24 hours later on he is to be put to death. Over eight episodes Quidam leads the viewers into his world. Or, to express it more clearly, he is dragging them along criss-cross through 15 years of 21st century national history. Talkshows, news, flashes, clips and computer games lend weight to the story of Quidam's life. A life story that, notwithstanding its humorous rendition, shows itself to be a nightmare. In every episode we get to see the final ceremony which brings Quidam closer to his execution. Meanwhile flashbacks gradually unveil the tragicomic ups and downs that have led to the ineluctable death sentence. Quidam is a passionate storyteller. Being convinced of his innocence he is bent on revealing his vision of the truth.
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