Mixing music, dance and humor The Score explores the revolutionary implications of the world of genetics, ethics and morality. Dr. Lynn Magnusson leads a cutting edge lab that is racing toward a significant genetic discovery in the bat tle against cancer. A composer struggles to create a “score” seemingly connected to Magnusson’s own personal struggle with her own hereditary link to the genetic disorder, Huntington’s disease. While Magnusson is f ixated on her work and the financial success of the lab she is s imul t ane ous l y plague d by he r own t i c k ing biological clock. When she discovers she is pregnant after a torrid affair with her promising lab assistant the drama intensifies and the composer’s musical score becomes a powerful metaphor for biological determinism. If a musical note is wrong, does it ruin t h e c omp o s i t i o n a n d d o e s i t ma t t e r? S h o ul d Magnusson deliver a child that has a 50% change of a devastating disease, can her lab win the race against its international competitors to unlock a medical mystery?
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