'The Music Collector´s Dream' presents a visual illustration of two musical pieces: the 'Concerto for Orchestra' and 'Mikrokosmos' composed by Béla Bartòk, one of the 20th century´s most outstanding classical music composer. Part one / 'Concerto for Orchestra' The film starts the Orchestre Symphonique e Montreal, with its conductor Charles Dutoit, and actors Geneviève Rochette and Rodrigue Proteau. A visual creation inspired by Bartók´s music, the film unfolds in fantasies and variations on Jerome Bosch´s celebrated painting 'Le Chariot de Foin.' (the Hay Chariot) Part two / 'Mikrokosmos' Inspired by eight short musical pieces, excerpts from Bartòk´s 'Mikrokosmos', this film, composed of short poetic segments, plunges us into a nature lover´s reverie.
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