Stolen babies
Between 1910 and 1970 as many as 100.000 aboriginal children were taken from their parents and either put in care or adopted by white families. Hundreds have been sexually abused. Many later committed suicide. For 60 years, the Australian authorities, with the help of various churches, had planned to breed out blackness and create an assimilated white race. While the blacks were abandoned in the outback, their half-cast children and others with lighter skin were all taken and told to be white. Patrol officers were hired to roundup infants. Homes were opened by missianories and churches to house the children. Adoption adverts began to appear in newspapers featuring Aboriginal babies in white frocks, their hair ¡n ribbons. Aboriginals who submitted to the national inquiry conducted by the Human Rights Commission last June (titled Bring Them Home) found that 10% of boys and 30% of girls fostered or adopted by white families liad been sexually abused. Almost 20% of these in church-run institutions were assaulted. Today, thousands of Aboriginals are discovering the incredible truth: churches which used secret graveyards to bury Aborignial children; black babies and toddlers used as guinea pigs (dosed with antidepressonts, injected with experimental whooping cough and herpes vaccines); Aboriginal women told of being sterilized without their consent, and having their babies taken from them before they could even see or hear them; children being snatched while their parents were at work; mothers falsely told their children had died; adopted children told their real mothers were whores and drunks...
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