This is an unconventional television show where the host, Petra Nagel, puts her personal life and emotions on display as she dates men from all over the world. The traditional interaction between a television host and people appearing on the television show, are cast aside as Petra sets off on a real mission to find a boyfriend. The role of the host is slightly washed out, as Petra becomes more of the main character in the series. She experiences things on her own body as she dates men in a new country in every episode. Boundaries are broken down when Petra explains to guys she randomly meet on the street that she wants to go out on a REAL date with them. The result is a are real insight on how different men across the world think of women and think of Petra. Through dating, the show portrait how different the world and its cultures still is. The journey Petra begins is not just a physical journey from A to Z and back again. It is also a journey into Petra’s emotional state as a single woman in her midthirties, wanting to find the one and only true love.
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