Door Code 1321 is a drama series about friendship, love and self respect, commissioned for the web. The series follows 16-year old Agnes and Steph, who suddenly become step sisters when their parents fall madly in love. When the parents decide to travel abroad the whole summer, they leave Agnes and Steph in an apartment in central Stockholm. All the girls have is a credit card and the commitment to look after Agnes’ 10-year old sister. Agnes and Steph are total opposites and initially they hate each other. Agnes is the orderly one, always taking responsibility, always sensitive to everyone’s feelings. Steph is cocky, tough and limitless. But now they are in the same boat and need to cooperate to make things work, which is easier said than done. The girls’ summer together is lined with both euphoria and painful disappointments. In the end it is a summer none of them will ever forget.
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