A unique, daily drama, focusing on the human existence on the Internet. Masachim Screenz features a diverse and dramatic range of stories of ordinary people engaging through the Web. The series tests the boundaries of human contact over the Internet in video chat meetings and exchanged identities. It follows the incidental as well as the planned interactions and relationships – sometimes cold and alienated but often open, personal and more intimate than the crippled intimacy of modern life. Screenz gives us an extraordinary insight into what is rapidly becoming a parallel universe, in which more and more people conduct full and rich interactions and learn updated life lessons: A father returns, via internet, to his daughter’s life after six years of estrangement; an Internet romance develops between an Israeli girl and an illegal Russian immigrant in New York; a young criminal locates the daughter of his arch-enemy on the net; a drama unfolds between a man intent on committing suicide by sleep deprivation and the girl who watches him do it. These and other entrancing stories inhabit the Screenz that are the new instruments of communication.
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