On the eve of the year 2000, Abderrahmane Sissako, a Mauritanian filmmaker living in France, goes back to Sokolo, a small village in Mali , to join his father: 'Dear Father, you may be surprised and even worried to receive a letter from me. Let me reassure you that everything is fine, as I hope it is for you. Contrary to the message I sent you through Jiddou, an important change has occurred and I will bring it with me back to Sokolo: the desire to film life in Sokolo, life on earth, and also the desire to get away, especially knowing that it will be the year 2000 and that nothing will have changed for the better. You know that better than I.' Sissako arrives in the village, changes clothes, mounts a bicycle, and roams the streets, the fields, the open spaces, and at the post office. He runs into Nana, a young woman who is also visiting. Something impalpable and spirited develops between them, while life goes on in the small village…
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