A television adaptation of the most recent show by “La La La Human Steps:” The production is part of a development project that aims to take advantage of state-of-the-art television technology, including digital recording and post-production, multi-laying editing and multi-axis motion control cameras. Designed to make greater use of artificial scenery, the production will enhance the interaction between dancers and the space they occupy. As extensions of each other, music, choreography and video will thus become essential elements of the whole. In this regard I believe that the quality of a final product can only be improved as individual elements are able to enrich each other. The effect created by the movements can be reinforced by and infused with the visual approach. On the other hand, the visual approach can be used, for example, to define time zones, to orient choreography and to break up spatial settings. In short, another dimension can be created. How does one make dance accessible to a wide audience? The answer may be: the creative use of technology – and this program would be the perfect illustration. An extremely compelling production.
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