This is an edgy comedy drama, originally commissioned for the web. Morran and her son Tobias are two odd people living on the outskirts of society. Their worn down home for the last 34 years has recently been expropriated by the local council, and now the house stands completely empty. But when Morran and Tobias manage to sell a piece of land to the council they are able to move back to the house, if only for a month. A lot of emotions surface, as they re-possess their old home for the very last time. At first glance the two may seem perpetually quarrelling, and Tobias constantly calls his mother the most horrible things. But deep down there is tenderness and love between these two marginalized characters. The series has over 25 million views on SVT Play and YouTube, and has become a cult phenomenon in Sweden, especially among young viewers. It is a very edgy comedy drama, really pushing the envelope. But the series is also controversial since much of the humour in it is aimed at the two lower class characters Morran and Tobias. Is it really okay to laugh at these two highly dysfunctional people?
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