A groundbreaking new format that takes viewers on a journey through the intriguing and fascinating world of psychotherapy. A unique drama that follows five ongoing psychotherapy patients through nine sessions each,all shot in the therapist’s clinic.Each day of the week is dedicated to one person’s therapy session. Monday: Na’ama is a beautiful young woman who falls in love with Ruben and draws him into deep confusion that leads him to question both his personal and professional life.Tuesday:Yadin, an air force pilot, suspended from the army after bombing civilians during a military operation.Wednesday:Ayala, a suicidal seventeen-year-old Olympic gymnast. Thursday:Michael and Orna, a couple attempting to rehabilitate their fragile marriage. Friday: Ruben meets with his supervisor from his early years as a therapist. During these Friday sessions, Ruben deals with his own problems: his patients, his professional life and his crumbling personal affairs.
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