This is a new television format created by the Finnish Broadcasting Company Yle, combining historical drama with adventure reality and based on a true story of Hanneke Wrome, a tallship that shipwrecked in the Baltic Sea in 1468. The six episode series is a genre hybrid in which historical drama (based on a true story) functions as a frame story for a scripted adventure reality. The main motive for this series is not only to entertain but inspire the kids in the TV audience to study history. The historical drama tells a story of a 12-year-old Axel Tott, who survives the shipwreck of Hanneke Wrome in 1468. He manages to escape the pirates at first to Estonia, then to Gotland and finally to Raseborg Castle. In the adventure reality five teenagers are given a mission to find out what happened to Axel and where the treasure that sank with the ship is hidden. The drama part in this format will be movie-like and very action-packed. There will be breath-taking chases, fighting scenes, fencing, riding and a gigantic storm.
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