This film tells the story of Boab Coyley (Stephen McCole) who is having a very bad day. Kicked off the amateur football team, after what little skill he is destroyed by drinking and smoking, his day just gets worse. Boab is, in quick succession, sacked from his job, kicked out by his parents (who are keen for privacy to engage in their S&M fantasies) and dumped by his girlfriend after a frank critique of his lovemaking skill. An altercation with a telephone box leads to his arrest and a beating at the hands of the police. The final straw comes when he meets a man claiming to be god (Maurice Roeves) in a speedy bar, who informs Boab that he´s fed up with his whinging and informs him he intends to turn him into a fly. There is some small satisfaction for Boab, who at least is able to exact revenge upon those who have done him wrong, albeit he is swatted into oblivion by his own mother. A story of sloth, god, revenge and football.
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