“Flame” is the story of two young girls, Florence and Nyasha, who in 1975 secretly decided to join the Freedom Fighters. Florence hopes to find one of the charismatic commanders, Danger, and Nyasha expects to gets a study scholarship. They embark on a long and dangerous journey across a war-torn Rhodesia to a military camp deep in Mozambican bush where they take their war name of Flame and Liberty. Slowly their innocence begins to dissolve as the reality of war seeps in. The story continues past the heady after the end of the war to 1992 when the two women meet up again and realize they still have a common aim – to keep their hard-won independence. “My aim is to put Africa women in a different light. A more universal light,” says Ingrid Sinclair, the scriptwriter and director of “Flame”. “Many films about African women show them as victims, courageously struggling and supporting each other when they can – born to die as slaves of circumstance. In other words different from women in developed countries. I want to throw a light in a wider range: their loves, and hopes, their failings, their stubbornness, their vanity, even their cruelty – women as full human beings with every nuance and shade of emotion”: