Driving School is a documentary series that follows the hopes and passions of a group of learners desperately needing to pass their test. Each learner driver has a dream –a very special reason for wanting a license. As the series develops, the lives of the contributors become completely dominated by driving lessons and their dreams of what freedom on the road will bring them. The series ultimately inhabits in a very happy world –serendipity rules, coincidences drive the story line, slight-of-hand saves everyone from the brink of disaster, and despair and anguish are transformed into celebration and achievement. The selection of contributors was crucial to Driving School´s success. Their idiosyncracies, the intimate and stressful situations that they were revealed in and their determination to succeed against the odds meant that the contributors held a very special place in the audiencie´s heart. Driving School is structured like a drama –each contributor has his or her own narrative storyline and each week new stories are introduced and existing storylines are developed and interwoven. It was also created as a comedy –in terms of its style, content and tongue-in-cheek humor- a complicity between, contributor, audience and program maker.
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