This is an era when people no longer watch TV. WithYouTube becoming the trend, how should TV programssurvive? Two TV directors have challenged the YouTubeworld to find answers to this question. Cho Youngjoongin his 13th year as TV producer, and Jung Yongjaestarted a competition about who gets more viewswith subscription clicks. Yong-jae’s Young-tube, whichtries anything with his youth as a weapon, and ‘ChoPD’s Abolland (how to raise a kid)’, which utilises hisexperience of raising three children, will competehead-to-head. A new PD, Yong-jae who appeared ona live broadcast of a famous YouTuber scored 30,000subscribers at once, whereas the old and experiencedCho PD stalled at the subscriber number of 300. Willthe fight end like this? This documentary is designed touse a sitcom-like format to depict the various aspectsof TV producers who want to become famous YouTuberswhile illustrating the impact the viewer-number-firstpolicy has on their content making. Award-winningCho Youngjung worked in the feature documentarydepartment and directed various programs includingexpedition, medical and food documentaries. In 2019,he won the grand prize of broadcasting in Korea in theinformation category with “I don’t wanna work”.Since 2007, Cho has been working as a director at thecurrent affairs department at KBS.
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