Do you know a place on earth so beautiful it is paradise? Climate Ops is a collaborative documentary produced by ARTE and inviting all European citizens from 49 countries to speak up about their own little natural paradise, those natural places they have been growing with and they do not want to see affected or destroyed by the effects of climate change. On 15 May 2015, a website in four languages was launched hosted by a team of around 10 people with a single challenge: to gather videos from the four corners of Europe from Norway to Turkey and from Portugal to Siberia until 31 August 2015. Gardeners, ramblers, anglers, high-school students, city dwellers, cyclists, retirees, farmers, aged 15 to 100 responded to that call. 800 videos were received from 49 European countries, in almost 45 languages. Many participants saw an urgent need to take care of a natural environment that they could see shrinking, polluted. Industrial over-fishing that deprives small fishermen of work and the sea of fish, water sources made dangerous by industrial spillages, and over and over again, the intimate pleasure of nature spoilt by domestic waste. The Best of ‛Climate Ops’ also became a film.
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