This film servers as an invitation into the universe of Claude Monet, one of the 19th century´s greatest painters and thye father of impressionism. The documentary is chronological, from Monet´s birth in Paris in 1841 to his death in Ginervy in 1926. Through Monet´s canvasses old post cards, family and landscape photos, Michael Gaumnitz shows how the painter freed himself exclusively in light. The artist´s collection aims to help the viewer discover the life and works of some of the great masters in the history of painting and sculpture. Setting itself apart from traditional documentaries, the function of the films is this collection is help the viewer understand these great master. Michael Gaumnitz and Marie Seller: “We would like to show that these artists are, above all, men who were alive, who were deeply a part of the world in which they lived, that they were interested in it, that they read, corresponded and exchange ideas, had friendships with painters, writers, musician, and that their lives were comprised of battles, esthetic as well as personal, social and political. That they worked without rest, that they believed in what they did, that they had an infinite confidence in life and their art.” And that wasn´t some gift that fell from the sky, but a lifelong struggle. The artist collection is aimed at a wide audience, while responding to the desire of the educational station, the Fifth and the Congress of the National Museums that productions be created as reference works.
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