Many people do not believe what the mainstream media proclaim to be the truth. And they rule the Internet with their mind-blowing theories: Was 9/11 an inside job? Is the world ruled by Illuminati? Reporter Tommy Gulliksen meets up with the people who believe in these theories to find out if their beliefs can measure up to journalistic and scientific standards. Can he confirm the suspicions or will he find evidence of the opposite? And how will the conspiracy theorists react to the findings? The first episode is about Chemtrails. Berit and Eldfrid are two retired ladies who believe that the longlasting trails left in the sky by aircraft are chemical or biological attacks on the public. They monitor airplanes from their living room and gather rain samples in the garden. They believe they have made some interesting discoveries. Berit is a former political leader in Norway and Eldfrid was a school-teacher. Can these ladies really be on to something?
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