Adapted from the award-winning black South African Theatre Production Bopha! Is a documentary about the turmoil engulfing the back townships of South Africa. BOPHA! Presents the complex conflict between the black police who enforce the law of apartheid in the Townships and the violent campaign waged Against them by those who appose the system of white rule. This 58' program blends the drama of black theatre with an up-to-date and graphic documentary account of Township unrest. The play, with its conflict between a career policeman and his student activit son, dramatizes th South African conflict in a profoundly moving, yet often humorous style. Contemporary South African Theatre is drawn from the day-to-day experiences of blacks living under apartheid. In BOPAH! We follow the Earth Players as they move through the Townships compliking the raw material for their play- and we experience the real situations and characters from which the play was born.
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