The myth of Icarus has never stopped infiltrating our drams. The story is well-known: a father and a son scape a labyrinth due to wings glued on with wax. But Icarus, flying too close to the sun, lost his feathers and drowned. Nobody knows how long the flight lasted, but he probably landed in Belgium. So the two legs of Icarus and some feathers floated on the surface in the famous 155 Brueghel painting. Belgium, a country with the feeling of a lake with sleeping waters, up until recently, and where the main societal issues are used to be resolved through unutterable hypocritical compromises, suddendly revealed itself to the world under the worst of circumstances: kidnappings, murders of children, assassination of a political leader, seizing up of politics, justice and police. Part II: “Painting with Falls” A filmmaker, some unemployed people, psychoanalysts, presidents of political parties, a prime minister, lost of anonymous citizens, all look-ing at the same painting. How is it possible that they don´t see the same picture? Part I: “Such a Quiet Country” A collage film with black-yellow-red humor which reveals the backfiring pirouettes of the history of Belgium. A history bothered with numerous and ancient discomforts. [part I also included]
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