We know about the Nazi past of Gestapo torturer KLAUS BARBIE. His recent trial and sentencing cast light on the crimes he committed in the French city of Lyon, and elsewhere. But putting him on trial in France required extradition, which was decide on after many years. What did Klaus Barbie do all that time? From 1951 to 1983, he lived in Bolivia under the name Klaus Altman. He was careful at the outset, but gradually began to show himself. He took part in some very questionable activities in Bolivia. He organized the Bolivian political police, set up a scandalous deal involving a merchant marine for a country without access to the sea, and took an active part in the drug traffic. These 32 years of Klaus Barbie’s “second life” are described accurately and in a lively fashion by means of accounts from people who knew him and associated with him at the Lime.