This documentary, first broadcast by Irish Television’s main current affairs programme “Today Tonight” tells the story of Annnie Maguire, her family and relatives who on the night of December 3rd, 1974 were arrested in London. Annie herself was charged with murder in connection with the bombing at two Guilford pubs which left five dead and scores injured. That charge was dropped eleven weeks later but in January 1976 Annie, her husband, two sons, brother, brother-in-law and friends were tried at the Old Bailey ion a charge of unlawfully possessing explosives. The evidence was purely forensic – based on traces of nitroglycerine which showed on a test of the accused hands. Not one of them had made incriminating statements, no trace of explosives was found at or near their council house in Paddington. Throughout the defendants were adamant that they were innocent and protested their innocence at all times. They were sentenced to a total of 69 years of imprisonment. The programme was transmitted by Channel 4 in Britain in May after which the issue was raised and discussed in The House of Lords.
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