This animated documentary series approaches taboosaround sexuality in adolescence, as told by youngpeople. It recounts the joys and conflicts that a diversegroup of characters have experienced in the search fortheir sexual identity. Experiences around decisions taken- or not - regarding their own body, their life and health,hygiene, sexual reproduction, family relationships. Theirthoughts, passions and feelings towards those peoplewho have helped or hindered in the search for identityand aspirations, are aired. It is about their dreams andhow they see themselves, being part of a society thataccepts them and allows them to fully develop. From thisperspective, the joy of sexuality away from prejudice,discrimination and violence is particularly important.In each chapter a protagonist identifies with an animal -or more - to represent its qualities, characteristics, fearsand abilities. The ‘animal totem’ has a unique voice andexpression of identity that will help them to empowerthemselves and discover aspects of their personality andthe society in which they live. Promoting and recognisingthat we have the right to pleasure, if it is exercised in aresponsible and healthy manner.
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