This story focuses on Jayantha, who lives in Colombo, a city in Sri Lanka with a population of 5.6 million. His neighborhood was grabbed by the government for urban development projects, using mostly military force rather than negotiations. Javantha and his family were relocated in newly built high rise apartments with diverse groups. Eventually his new home generates numerous issues related to the infrastructure of the building and living together with different ethnic and cultural communities. Jayantha organizes and leads the community to solve these issues with government authority while having their own solutions within his community. This is part of the Big Cities documentary series focusing on the discussion, comparison, exchange, and implementation of solutions to current problems in the world’s largest cities, a unique ‘worldwide public service network’ collaboration of 28 partners from 25 countries including Eurovision, the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU), and Televisión América Latina (TAL). Big Cities aims to reach at least 100 million viewers in 20+ countries with their online content.
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